Hrithik Roshan Deepika Padukone Anil Apur and Karan Singh Grover’s film Fighter has been released recently and it stars Siddharth Annanand. As you all know that Siddharth Anand Shahrukh Khan’s film ‘Pathan Lekar’ is releasing on 25 January 2023, which has changed the fate of King Khan. This film has earned more than Rs 1000 crore at the box office. We have seen him again on 25th January 2024, he has brought the film Fighter colored in the colors of devotion, let’s see what is in the film.
Let’s see what is the story of the fighter
As we have seen in the trailer, this is an action movie, the story is about a terrorist attack or to avenge it, an air force team is given command. In the whole film, the mission is shown, the mission is like Hrithik Rodhan, Deepika Padukone and Karan Singh Grover, patriotism is shown in the whole story and what is the life of air force, it is also shown but the story is not very special average. There is a story but it shows good action which is why this movie has become so famous.
In terms of acting, all the stars of this movie are very good as you all know, Hrithik Roshan plays his character very well, Deepika Padukone has also done wonders. anil kapoor and karan singh grover ne thik thak kam hain The story of a fig is average but the passion it has shown to its devotees is
Cast : Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Apdukon, Anil Kaoop, Karan Singh Grover, Achay Obaray and Rishabh Sahani
Writer : Siddharth Anand, Raman Chib, Hussan Dalal, Abbas Dalal and Vishwapati
Producer : Viacom 18 Studios and Marfilix Pictures
Director : Siddharth Anand
Release : 25 January 2024
Rating : 3/5